Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nana Comes to Visit..

Well, there seems to be a trend that whenever Shay is about to leave the whole house gets sick! This time was no exception. Shay was headed out on a once-in-a-lifetime trip with Joe to hunt in Texas with some old boys! He has been so excited for this trip! Literally the day before he leaves the girls are both sick and then I come down with what I guess was a 12-18 hour flu-like bug. It was gnarly for those 12 hours. I did not want him to miss it so I called for reinforcements...MY MOMMY! It's funny even when you are 33 years old and have 4 kids of your still need your MOMMA! And I did...and do!

She was called and of course came and saved the day. By the time she arrived I was feeling tons better. We ate lots of yummy food and donuts for breakfast even! She read lots of books, got lots of cuddles with Tess and just was great company. We started watching Downton Abbey together and both of us were hooked! She basically saved the day!

Funny part (not funny at the time) was she left on Saturday and that night I had my first ER run with one of our littles. Tess (after being around every germ and sickness in the whole month of January) spiked a fever of almost 103 degrees. It scared me...I was emotional...we have literally had a sick house for a month...I couldn't get a hold of Shay...tears came quickly. I called my dear friend Melissa and she answered at 11:15 pm at night and she basically let me vomit my thoughts of going to the ER, which ER and offered to come over. Thankfully I have family close to Shanny and Susan headed over and we headed to the ER. By the time we arrived Tess' fever was down and although she had had labored breathing (like she wasn't taking whole breaths, even when crying) that had calmed down. I still wanted everything checked on her and all the tests were negative. It was an emotional night...especially without Shay. Oh, that man was made for me! She was totally fine but did have some type of virus that we fought with a small antibiotic. I cuddled her lots that night.

Needless to say when daddy returned...we all melted into his arms. Literally! It was a wonderful reunion.

Thanks Nana for coming to the rescue and to Mimi and Aunt Shanny too!!

the boy loves donuts!

love this picture so much! she loves our kids so much! i am so spoiled and blessed!

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