Sunday, April 17, 2011


March was full of spring coming and 2 vacations for our family. What a blessing! I will post next pictures from Big Cedar and Orange Beach, AL. They were both so perfect and perfectly timed! 

Lulu you are a whopping 16 months old now...when did this happen? You still have a rockin' mullet but the top part is coming along nicely. I can now put a bow in it and you love your bows. You don't necessarily keep them there very long but you love them and you even try and put them in your hair. Again, so cute! Home is so full of laughter...seriously, Lulu I laugh harder at you than all the funniest program people from camp in the whole wide world! You have begun to "get" social cues. You laugh when mommy and daddy laugh and you just keep smiling like you totally understand what has been said or done. Eating time can be a bit messy but oh so fun. We have our little sweeper ready to go after every meal. She always has to get her veggies first...with no sight of anything else. We have learned quickly. You are still taking your nap in the morning and sometimes you sleep, sometimes you sing and sometimes you just talk or lay (lay, lye, lie...pick one) there and as I peep through your door you just seem like your imagination is growing and you are just a sweet content girl. Your afternoon nap is when you are out! You sleep hard and sleep for a good 3 hours. I am getting Belle on your schedule and mom uses that time to work, clean up, cook or just get some down time. two are every day getting more and more precious. Lulu, you recently have started to go up to Belle if she is on the floor or in her car seat and just make fun faces, pat her back, gently rub her legs...and every time I stop and let my heart melt. You are a great big sister and I think you like the audience of Belle too as you love when she smiles and laughs at you.

Belle you are 4 months old and again your growing is amazing. You are starting to "roll" but not quite all the way over. You can bend your neck in ways that I could never do and I wonder if we have a gymnast or something flexible on us. You are "cooing" more and more and I love how much more expressive and interactive you are becoming. I love the newborn stage but honestly I love it when you start to smile back and laugh and "communicate" with us. You are quite a pale, some might call, pastey little one. You hate your Vitamin D drops and so I try and pop you into the sunlight when we can. Your eyes are so very big...almost 90% of the time. You are napping amazingly too. You are not quite through the night but honestly as much as I can't wait to sleep through the night I don't mind the 5 am feeding time with just you. The world is all quiet. The window show the night sky and you are so warm in my arms. You nurse and go straight back down till 7 am. Most nights it's just at 5 am that you wake but sometimes you wake at midnight too. You nap in the morning and afternoon with Lulu and your being on the same schedule makes mommy have some time while you both sleep. I love having you two on the same routine. LOVE!

Here are the memories in pictures...

Already a future RAZORBACK...Go Hogs!
Belle, so sorry about this picture! I just had to put it on her because it is so funny! It's like you just ate a lemon or something.
After a meal with Lulu...rice everywhere!
This precious dress is from Aunt Krista! I HEART it. It's so adorable! Thanks Aunt Krista!

Best Friends for Bath Time! They both love baths! Woohoo!!!
Pretty in Pink!

This is the Ironman shirt Uncle Michael got her. It says..."They bike, swim, and run. I poop, sleep, and eat. LOVE IT!

Okay, time for another who's who? Answer is below...

This was a Sunday outfit from our friend Jill. Jill has a little girl named Viv that is just a few weeks older. We pray they are going to be best buddies! 
Nana came to visit to make sure all of us girls were okay after a crazy sickness hit at the beginning of March. She's the best Nana! 
Sweet sleeping baby!!! Matching dresses! Woohoo! 
Nana put her glasses on Bizzle Belle! She was rockin' them! 
3 Generations! My mom and I are making the same face...hysterical! 
So focused on her shapes...
Hi smiling angel!!!
Look at those healthy roles on you Belle! Love those "little" roles! 

Spring is coming,
the robbins' nest
(answer: belle is top, lulu is bottom)

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