Sunday, April 17, 2011


Oh my it's April and I'm blogging about February. I just am a bit behind to say the least. I don't know what has taken me away from my blog...oh yeah, kamp is almost here. That means more meetings, more work and just less time for this precious journal of memories. Girls, I'm so sorry because I am confident that I have forgotten stories and moments from February...but I will do my best.

So Lulu you are 15 months figured out walking and as fast as you figured it out you were movin' and groovin' girl! It is 100% adorable to watch you walk. It still seems like you are our little firstborn baby...but you our precious one are growing so fast. You LOVE books. You will grab one book, flip the pages, then go for another book. It's so cute.

You and Belle are getting along so sweetly. You know how to "hug" your sister and always are up for grabbing the paci and jabbing it into Belle's face trying to get it to her mouth...again, so cute. We continue to pray for the best of friends for you and Belle. I confidently believe you two will be as you already love her so much. are officially called Bizzle Belle now and are GROWING. I forget how quickly you grow in the first few months. You are now 3 months old and starting to coo and give us some expression. I love snuggling with you during the morning when Lulu has her nap and at night once Lulu is down. Otherwise you spend your day on the ottoman or beside us on the floor or in ya'lls room. You love watching Lulu and just stare when she is around.

Here are moments from February... have got some big blue eyes. Someone commented they have never seen kiddos with the big blue eyes like ours have...we love those eyes!
 4 little feet, 2 little hearts, and the best of friends....
 LOVE THIS PICTURE. Lulu you daily make me laugh...hard.
 Cool sisters...
 Belle loves to lick, suck, and chew her all times.
 Silly grin from Lulu and Belle is wondering what is going on...
 A Sonic girl already...
 These next 5 pictures just make our hearts so full...(Lulu is giving a kiss in the 2nd & 3rd one)

belle's screaming...gotta go,
the robbin's nest

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