Friday, February 28, 2014

February 2014...

(Again I would like to note I am so behind but so very determined to keep this blog for our family. It's so important and will be so valuable for stories, pictures and just our memories. I treasure a lot of moments just in my heart but I do want to pen them down in one place for you all to have someday)

February...let's talk through it in pictures...

Trying to get a somewhat decent picture with this crew is, well, somewhat difficult. 

Mischievous Beauty

Sweet Firstborn

Those cheeks...and double chin! Little Valentine's bug!

This is so perfectly perfect. Don't mind the baby in your lap biggie really. 

Some quotes for February:

* (this one was from December '13 or January '14):
Lulu as we are stopped at the stoplight by the Landing and the Train Station looks over at the huge silver reindeer statues and names them "Anna and Meta." Of course.

* February 17:
Lulu said to me in a bit of a panic voice as I'm pulling away from FBC Playdate "Mommy you didn't buckle Tess...and ME!" Yes, I had climbed in the back and gotten everyone in their car seats but hadn't buckled Lulu and Tess. brain.

* February 19:
Lulu: your my little booby. (said to Belle)
Belle: no, i not your booboo.

* Sometimes in this general time period:
Lulu: hey my little fruit packet (said to Knox.)

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