Saturday, November 30, 2013

Medlin Family Vaca & Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm about to pop (hello momma in the top pic). It was probably the last family picture we took before sweet baby girl arrived! We decided this year to do a week in Cabot, AR with all 3 Medlin kids for our "family vacation" together. I miss the beach trip a ton but this way we can see Jason's family! So it's worth it! It was a blast to watch the littles and Jason's bigs interact a bit more and although our "schedules" look very different as far as naps we had a blast just being together, eating yummy food (yeah momma!) and playing games!

We did have some bumps in the roads with some meltdowns during our big family photo shoot but in the girls' defense both Lulu and Belle got sick with fevers and aches...flu-like. They were so sick but made it through the shoot with the bribe of fruit snacks. They did not feel well and were such troopers!

maybe my favorite picture of the whole week...

sweet lulu is not feeling so hot.

with tylenol in her this gal was all about the football in the yard. it was awesome!  she's so fast!

again, one of my favs! 

we had a grandkid/fall semester birthdays party! 

sisters...and best friends! 

nana helping the girls with their new dolls

he loves the farmer guy in the tractor. 

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