Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday Fall Photo Shoot with Mom...

Gotta love impromptu "my kids are too cute" photo shoots! We love them in our house...okay, maybe it's just me that loves them!

Here are some A-MA-ZING quotes from the littles...(I forget exactly when they happened)

"Look what Jesus made in the sky." - Lulu
Lulu said this as she talked to me about God made me.
"God made me." - Belle
"Knox too." - Lulu
"I like Jesus." - Lulu

I was driving and a car was coming towards us and I swerved to get on my side (just in our neighborhood)
"Mommy watch out." - Belle
"Belle, mommy can do it because she's a mommy." - Lulu

Lulu & Belle running around the couch over and over. Lulu stops and walks and says...
"I'm just walkin cuz my ankles just aren't really working." - Lulu

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