Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 2013...

 July was full! Summer was rolling and the kids were loving life! I took "notes" this summer with the girls' quotes and Knox's updates and am so glad I did because there were some funny comments this summer...

---(June): "Everyone cheer on me." ~ Lulu, meaning to say "everyone cheer me on" as she went down the slip-n-slide.

---July: "Thank you for...the K7 slip-n-slide, thank you for the big kids on the slip-n-slide, thank you for the K2 slip-n-slide, and thank you for our K2 slip-n-slide." ~ Lulu praying one night in July.

---July 4th: Fireworks was comical. We woke the girls up to take them and at first they screamed at the fireworks. But we went to the other side, which was a bit further away, and they ended up loving them. They both talked about how they "were brave." Or as Belle says it "I brave mommy, me brave."

---July: "My heart is so happy we are at Kamp." ~ Lulu

---July 9: "Belle is so important to me." ~ Lulu to Belle after waking one morning.

---July 16: "Dear Jesus, Dear God, thank you for mommy & thank you for her joyful heart. Thank you for the baby in her belly." ~ Lulu praying.

     * Crawled at 9 months.
     * Wave..."bye, bye"
     * Babbling, "da-de."
     * Got 6 teeth...and he didn't take it as well as the little girls. He was fussy and cuddly and didn't sleep great. But poor guy 4 teeth came in on the top basically at the same time!
     * Slept from 7 am - 7 pm for the first time the first week of July...I must admit I was kind of sad...I loved our 11 pm nursing time as it was quiet, the day was done for me and he was so sweet and cuddly!

---July: "Mommy/Daddy, can I tell you a secret? I think you are awesome in our family most." ~ Lulu. Belle would try and say it but she would just whisper in our ears..."awesome."

---July 27:
"Belle, say, "I can do it." (Belle says it)
"Now when our new little brother comes you can say that." ~ Lulu to Belle (We had been working on "I" instead of "me" with Belle.). {UPDATE: We aren't having a little brother...little sister!)

Memories from July ranged from the girls and Knox man having pink eye (we had to pin Lulu down to do eye drops, not fun) and lots of just sickness this month and also a very scary choking situation for Belle. We were eating chicken enchiladas one day and Belle took a bite with a chip in it and it must have gotten jammed b/c she coughed and then began to gag and then started to turn purple. Shay was out of his seat and in seconds had her up and flipped over and hit her back hard. It dislodged and I was crying and Belle was screaming. It was a very scary moment. I am so thankful in those moments to have the husband I have. Calm, take control and protector...thank you Jesus.

Joe had a "bearded dragon" this summer for one of his talks. The lizard lived in the office right by Shay's so the girls actually (after warming up to it) loved the bearded dragon and loved to go check on him. It was weirdly cute!

Belle's face was so sticky, rocks were sticking to her. 

be still my father, like son. 

Christmas with the Krunks party.

Abby...the girls loved Abby Shover, a K2 leadership gal. 

These 2 really are best friends...sisters thru and thru but best friends each day!

They had a fairy princess day...

Erica Rentschler (Erhardt) came to town!! We loved getting some friend time with them!

Knox's "fo-hawk"

These 3 God ordainded before the beginning of time miracles...Thanks Jesus for entrusting us with them for awhile!

love the next 2 shots...I pray so much they would rejoice in each other's strengths and giftings and just celebrate each other! 

admiration for big sister!

Signs for dad on pentathlon day! 

Basically a rare thing...a family shot. Lulu would not smile as she knew she had to go with kidsitters after the picture. She wanted to stay with mommy or daddy...towards the end of summer can get a bit tough as they are ready for normalcy. 

Aubrey Ellett...dear dear Aubrey! We love the Ellett family! 

crazy face...while painting!

Sno cones on a 24...

a sweet "see ya soon, please don't leave" party for the dolloffs and farleys. 

nana and poppy came to big cedar with us. knox was teething, hadn't slept but nana cuddled perfectly and he was out! 

Uncle Dennis and Aunt Marcie came to K2! It was on CrossTalk night and we just LOVED having them come visit! Wish they were closer!

family summer director shots. 

the girls were still "sick" as you can see in their eyes and it was 8 am! 

robbins' stick together...always

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