Thursday, March 7, 2013


I feel like the Robbins' nest is just now really getting into playdates and desiring that for our littles. It's so good for them and I love to watch their imagination and skills with others just soar! 

We pretty much have weekly dates with Belle's birthday buddy, Bennett, and the girls just LOVE her. They all play great together and it's just precious!

We, and by we I mean Belle, has quite the healthy and cute 2 year old obsession with Jed-man. She talks about Jed A LOT. It's so cute! So when Jed comes over with big sis Dru both girls are just excited! Dru and Lulu are just 6 months apart and Dru has a wonderful imagination and it makes Lulu see that in a friend. I love it!

We love our community! We feel humbled and blessed every single day...

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